To all the amazing women out there, fighting for justice, raising families, working hard at their jobs, trailblazing, speaking out, surviving…. We wish you all the best on this special day (and every day).  You matter, your voice needs to be heard and you deserve equal representation, opportunities and rights.

Let us take a moment to remember that not all our sisters are able to celebrate today.  Many are locked away in the dungeons of sweatshops and factories, or are imprisoned for standing up for themselves, or are too afraid of abuse, or are unjustly detained in refugee detention centres around the world.

Feminism is for all women, and those of us who are free to fight for women’s rights must remember to fight for the rights of all women!  Today, think what you can do to help other women less fortunate than yourself, who may not have the opportunity to fight for herself for fear of persecution or death.

There are hundreds of organisations you can support. Here are just a few of them:

Homegrown Not-for-Profits:

The Refugee Action Coalition:  www.refugeeaction.org.au
Immigrant Women’s Speakout Association: http://www.speakout.org.au/
Asian Women at Work: http://www.awatw.org.au
Support Association for the Women of Afghanistan: http://www.sawa-australia.org/
Mahboba’s Promise:http://mahbobaspromise.org/
No FGM Australia: http://www.nofgmoz.com/
The Gender Centre: https://gendercentre.org.au
Women with Disabilities Australia: http://wwda.org.au/

International Organisations:

Association  for Women’s Rights in Development: https://www.awid.org/
International Women’s Development Agency: https://www.iwda.org.au/
Project Futures: http://projectfutures.com/
Desert Flower Foundation: http://www.desertflowerfoundation.org/

We need to be united in our efforts to liberate all women, in all circumstances, in all nations.

Thank you for being one of our followers, for reading our posts and considering our message.  We warmly wish you, and all women and girls, all the very best for 2017 and beyond.

– Tessa, founder of The Sydney Feminists

P.S. Join us at this Saturday’s Sydney IWD March and march for change!


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