Tales of a Former “Edge Lord”, or, “I Went to Anti-Feminism and All I Got Was This Crappy T-Shirt”
It feels like a lifetime ago that I
was supporting my best friend in leaving an abusive relationship. It had honestly never occurred to me that the
battle would begin after she had moved out. I should clarify, though, that she
was the abuser, and he was the abused.
Prior to that point, my feminism had
already been waning. A lot of it had to do with the fact that I had been
misinformed in my feminism from the start, to the point where my beliefs and
actions had begun to feel quite extremist. There was another part, though, that
was rooted in the fact that my male friends had started to consider me a sort
of safe space, and an overwhelming number of them had been approaching me to
describe relationship situations that were causing them significant harm. With
these revelations, I became more and more disillusioned with what it meant to
be a feminist. I started to notice the way domestic violence helplines were
gendered, so that the only helplines targeted to men had already assumed their
only role was the abuser. White Ribbon Day popped up again, and I was suddenly
acutely aware of how specifically men’s violence against women was being given
the spotlight, but nobody seemed to be offering a safe space or awareness
platform for men in a similar situation.
The real nail in the coffin came,
though, when my best friend returned from an appointment with a therapist that
I had requested he see, feeling uncomfortable and entirely invalidated. He had
tried to discuss his circumstances with this woman, and she actually responded
to him with the following:
Why didn’t
you leave? What was in this relationship for you?
I find it
interesting that you feel like you were abused. Men aren’t victims of abuse.
(Apparently being raped and told that you were going to be murdered in your
sleep is an everyday relationship activity, nothing to be too concerned about.)
As you can imagine, this was…not the
kind of thing one wishes to hear when seeking help. And it was this exact thing
that led me to spend a great deal of time on men’s rights forums, and
eventually establishing myself as a member of an anti-feminist community. Yep,
even bought the Meninist t-shirt.
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(I know you can only see the top of it, but it’s very obviously there. Oh past me, what were you doing?!) |
I spent a couple of years in this
community, engaging in what I thought was debate (that really turned out to be
a massive circle jerk), and what I took away from it ended up very
significantly informing the feminism I would later find my way back to. For the
most part, I never considered myself, or the people I surrounded myself with,
to be hateful. They were – for the most part - intelligent, kind, and
compassionate human beings that were legitimately concerned with gender
equality, but who did not want the “Feminist” label forced upon them and wanted
to explore what this meant on their own terms.
What I thought I might try to address
are some common criticisms and misunderstandings, and where these disconnects
are coming from.
“I don’t disagree with Feminism overall, but ‘modern’ feminism misses the
point, and is ultimately socially damaging.”
Part of the issue here rests in the
fact that Feminism does not align itself under a single, clear, and
recognisable goal. Let’s be frank, it never has, but the beauty of hindsight is
that all of the achievements made by Feminists in the past appear to have been
as a result of specific and targeted resistance. Being in the thick of things
as we are now means that these outcomes are yet to be determined, and as such,
cannot be sourced as a means to “validate” what feminism aims to achieve.
The other part of the issue is that
the description of Feminism as something that happens in waves is deeply
flawed, and assumes that Feminism only pops its head up when certain issues
become pressing and in need of attention. The reality is that Feminism has existed
as a consistent social undercurrent for a very long time, and the peaks of
these supposed “waves” are, again, outcomes that can only really be viewed in
“But the battle has already been won! Feminism isn’t relevant anymore, and at
this point is only around to suck the fun out of everything.”
Typically, this boils down to not
only not understanding the issues Feminists are addressing, but also not being
aware of the fact that these issues
- have always
been part of what Feminists have been rebelling against
- are still very
real issues, but are typically expressed in way more insidious ways as a
result of laws passed to combat these issues.
Being able to address these issues in
a way that is not necessarily rooted in personal anecdote and is widely
observable can actually go a long way towards communicating the ongoing
relevance of Feminism. Personally, I would LOVE for Feminism to no longer be
relevant. Nothing would give me more pleasure than being able to kick back and
see that the fight is over. Sadly, I don’t foresee this being a reality within
my lifetime.
As for Feminists “sucking the fun out
of everything” or “not being able to take a joke”…well…unfortunately a lot of
people who whine about society becoming “more P.C.” don’t tend to understand
that the people that constituted the butt of these particular jokes were mostly
being polite when they laughed along, and never really found it funny. It’s
best to give these people the tried and true Greta Garbo blank and move on.
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Image Source: http://nosmokingintheskullcave.blogspot.com/2006/11/great-movie-icons-greta-garbo.html |
“Feminists just want to play the victim.”
Female edition:
“I don’t consider myself a victim, therefore Feminism doesn’t apply to me.”
This particular misconception is one of the most
disheartening of the bunch, as it speaks to the way in which women’s very real
problems are consistently devalued. Often, within the anti-feminist community,
what constitutes victimhood tends to be rooted in one of two things:
- A general lack of belief that what women are
revolting against are actual prevalent social issues, or that the real
issue lies in a woman’s approach to her own trauma, essentially meaning
that “victimhood” is a choice;
- The stand-out examples are often either sourced from
feminists who are not as well versed in feminist theory and aren’t able to
articulate themselves as well as they will be able to one day, or are
pulled from highly sensationalised examples – often from college campuses
– of students protesting gender issues and seeking to carve out safe
spaces for themselves. (What a safe space represents to an anti-feminist
is in itself an issue, and is more likely than not a problem that stems
from a distinct lack of empathy, but can also arise from just not fully
understanding the purpose of such a space,)
As far as anti-feminist women are
concerned, a lot of this argument comes from a reasonably legitimate fear that
being identified as a victim has the potential to undermine their strength or
their achievements. This is a difficult thought pattern to break, and certainly
isn’t helped by the ongoing perception of high profile Feminists as
“professional victims”.
“But you’re referring to men so generally, and I, a man, have never done these
things, therefore Feminism is garbage.”
Apparently the same people who would
refer to Feminists generally with no consideration of nuance don’t apply this
same logic to themselves. Personally, I have a saved (and reasonably detailed)
script that I send to people that argue “not all men”, because the required
answer is almost always something that can be cut-and-paste with no alteration,
but it’s really up to you if you can be bothered with this. I will say that
providing a sufficient answer to this particular complaint can actually go a
long way in maintaining the attention of someone offering their criticism of
Feminist discourse, but I also understand that not everyone can be arsed
explaining something that really should not require such an explanation.
“Feminists don’t do anything to support men.”
Round: “Toxic Masculinity is really just another way to say ‘everything it
means to be a man is bad.’”
I’ve saved this one for last, because
it’s soooooo mind-numbingly common, and is really the basis for the majority of
anti-feminist arguments.
For some reason, a movement designed
to bolster women’s status by campaigning for gender equality is supposed to
simultaneously coddle and boost men’s sense of self-worth. There’s no denying
that the advent of Feminism has had the side effect of men’s primary social
roles becoming displaced and unnecessary, and there hasn’t really been a
significant movement that aided men in finding where they belong socially, and
that empowered them to establish a new role for themselves now that they are no
longer able to reasonably fit the role of “provider”. This has resulted in a
visible backlash against moves to empower women, and as more and more
historically male roles are now being shared across the genders, men are more
or less being left stagnate.
That’s not to say that Feminism is
wrong in its ambitions, as it’s certainly not. I’ve made this point to
illustrate that there is a sense that men are being rendered unnecessary, which
I’m sure you can imagine might be a little bit scary for them.
Compounding this, the components of
the Feminist movement that have been developed to empower men in tandem with
women’s empowerment are largely misunderstood. One such concept is that of
Toxic Masculinity, which seeks to address and hopefully remedy the unfair
expectations placed on men by pointing out aspects of traditional masculinity
that might be damaging to men. In theory, this should address a number of
issues experienced by men, including (but not limited to):
High male
suicide rates
treatment of men’s health (both physical and mental)
unwillingness to speak up against sexual, physical, and emotional violence
perpetrated against them
Where this falls apart is twofold.
Not only is what Toxic Masculinity represents often poorly communicated, like
much of the language fairly specific to Feminists, it’s also inaccessible to
anyone that isn’t deeply familiar with Feminist theory. (Patriarchy also
suffers from this inaccessibility, as anyone who has ever tried to explain
Patriarchy to someone that has had limited-to-no exposure to Feminist theory
will no doubt understand.)
What is often lost on people who make
arguments of this nature is that not only do many Feminists absolutely give a
shit about things that happen to men (you know, not being man-hating harpies
and all), but often they are also big contributors to men’s causes.
Unfortunately this does not quite fit the “Feminists just want to establish a
matriarchy” narrative, so anti-feminists don’t tend to entertain the notion
that this might be the case. Not much that can be done for wilful ignorance,
I’m afraid.
There are ways in which Feminists do
contribute to these misunderstandings, despite how understandable this might
be. For one, after continuously beating your head into a wall trying to explain
why Feminism is still relevant, it can be taxing to be placed in the position
where you have to police your words, or educate someone on concepts they either
don’t (or don’t want to) understand, or just plain bare your damn soul in an
attempt to explain why Feminism matters to you.
On top of this, a lot of Feminist
push back tends to be quite aggressive, and to someone who is of the mind that
they have only asked a simple and reasonable question, the anger wrapped up in
the response provided can be quite jarring. I’m not suggesting we sit down and
be nice about what we have to say. Fuck no! We’ve been doing that for
centuries. But I am saying that regularly engaging in self-care might address a
lot of the burnout that accompanies ongoing participating in Feminist
discussions, leaving you more capable of enduring these discussions. I would
also recommend keeping notes on your phone that address and explain common
points. I promise you, easy scripts make these discussions way less draining
than constantly having to start from scratch.
Unfortunately, people outside of
Feminism don’t seem to understand that the reason these issues are so tangled
into our emotions is the fact that these issues comprise our personal, every
day realities. Of course we’re upset/pissed off/worn out! We’re damn tired of
having to explain to people that we are deserving of respect and equality, when
such things should be a given.
So, how did I find my way back to Feminism?
Well, there’s no easy answer to that
question. To some extent, Milo Yiannopoulos had something to do with it.
Watching him “tear down Feminists” while not actually addressing their concerns
made me realise that a lot of anti-feminists were doing much of the same. More
to the point, this damaging, purposely contrary figure was actually being held
up as a sort of icon within the community, and I found that more disturbing
than I care to explain.
The realisation that every time I
engaged with a Feminist in discussion of Feminist issues resulted in me
constantly selling myself out as a woman, disregarding my own concerns and
mistreatment, really drove me to explore what it was Feminism was fighting for.
I started reading Feminist texts and writings, making a mockery of them as I
engaged with other members of the anti-feminist community, but more and more it
dawned on me that I agreed with the majority of the points being raised, and
could not in good conscience continue to rip it to shreds. Instead, I allowed
myself to absorb it, and forced myself to become better informed than I had
been previously.
In addition to this, a girl I got
along with that had been in the anti-feminist community as long as I had
announced that she considered herself a Feminist after private, comprehensive
research. Prior to this, I had honestly believed that this community did
respect women, and did respect me, but the response to her admission was just
so sexist and violent that I couldn’t view any of the people that I had
considered “my people” in the same light. What she experienced really opened my
eyes to the fact that these people did not care about me, the person, rather,
they cared about me only as much as they could point to me and say: “See! Even
women think Feminism is garbage!” I only mattered to these people to the extent
that I was willing to degrade myself and deny the injustices I was becoming
increasingly aware of. I couldn’t lie to myself that way anymore, and more to
the point, I no longer felt safe around a lot of these people.
Finally, I no longer wanted to
associate myself with a political statement that didn’t actually stand for
anything. The fact is, anti-feminism doesn’t have any clear goals of its own.
It has no platform on which it rests, and doesn’t seek to achieve a damn thing.
While so many people that consider themselves anti-feminists are actually
decent, kind, and compassionate beings (I’d like to think that my existence
stands in testament to that), anti-feminism as a concept exists only to tear
something else down. I’ve heard people refer to it as a movement, but in truth,
I disagree. It’s not trying to enact change, it seeks only to perpetuate hatred
against a legitimate movement that DOES want to work towards change, and DOES
take steps to realise this change. I
don’t know about you, but I’d much rather spend my life fighting for the things
I believe in and pushing to make the world better, than trying to destroy the
people who do this.
By: Roxie Gray
Hey Roxie - fascinating read! Thanks for sharing. Cheers - Michelle :-)